Tuesday, June 26, 2007

New day back at sch~?

Today's a new day back at sch~~
A short post or a long one?

So today morning flag raising, singing but i dont think all sang. NExt up LONG announcements.

Not Interesting part yet
Nothing nice, just her coming in and complaining for me to stop sending emails to her(not i want to),other than saying L.B's looking lyk an ugly girl...
Recess...started lagging slowly on
maths just the same
science: next time fly to science lab
sit at where i told you(windows were drawn at wrong side)
where are yr experiment materials? I told you to bring them on monday. (nvm)
Now i nid more 2 more indicators, gotta ask nick low to help me find those 2 more.
Lit: late also...
make the survival guide into a booklet.
Ask nick to do also since i did mass editing of info.
(About binding of books just use a stapler onli i hope...)
IS: again Mr Cheong,
and photoshop(the best i could ever be at, many others too)
now i hope jon stop saying i trouble Mr C. again...
History: just no video today.
Then go home and take bath and go to JAP(quite reluctant). Here we meet our frens again. Same ppl learning french(from NP) and those learning jap. Again teacher said i tok too loud=(
Blame it on Bian He. Who asked him to ask me for help in jap lesson but teacher dont noe onli.

SO all same for other days...see till later

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