This week is rly an unlucky one for me...
Monday, I did Physics test. Seemed easy but I tot i scrwed up. After i went bak home to mug IHE and IHC...which i tink is confirmed failure coz im in no mood to mug two IH subjects! Still nt used to new content and new ways of mugging IH.
Wed, IHE then IHC tests, in two consecutive periods. I confirm die liao. Straight after rushing back from chem practical I took IHE, then i fumbled at Source A, and then did Source B and C. For the first source i didnt give a good link. WTF. Then for sources B and C i didnt put gd adequate content. =X For IHC test, the Korean War 8-mark essay is confirmed 5; the Jordan-Israel War---?? WTH I duno how to do. Coz i did nt read up on tat and tot Iceland Fishing Border Dispute wud come out. After three essays in two periods, I admitted getting a C6 for IH(2AU). Before both tests I gt bak my physics paper..sian =X I lost to Ernest and on par wif Nigel. How I wished I got A1 to make up for my phailure IH..
Friday is bio test. I think I kena minused 9 marks coz of wrong answer input. Anw a whole week of tests had ended. Down to chem test, quite easy so I gonna relax myself and brace for tmr, when I get bak my horrifying results. Xzy is trying to intimidate me by saying that I wud own him. His IHC Israel-Jordan conflict essay was one whole page long, while mine is a measly negligible paragraph.
HCI Sec4 Term1 is a total screwup man...I duno why I wanted to stay in CSE in the first place, partly due to the glorifying Maths projects and the hope of joining in the camaraderie of ppl from different consortiums. Oh well. Tmr's doomsday, the apocalypse that would shake my mind into smithereens and terror.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Test Week -- Catastrophe
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9:33 PM
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Hi all.
Didn’t blog for very long =.= haven’t been able to do so, tks to the TONS of homework and ensuing project work week after week. In addition to terrorizing schoolwork and upcoming project work commitments, there’s the BSC problem to deal with, for I do not know whether I would be excused from it or not.
I felt so bored tonite after daoing maths revision after 3 days and reading bio notes, ignoring my noobility in IHE and IHC, for my English was srsly pathetic T.T Jokes aside, I shall share with all about my hilarious Jap sensei and about the key incidents this week and the whole of last month.
Sad to say all 3 other Hcians have gone to BSC oreadi, so I would be deemed as the only “misfit” if I were not to go bsc, by xzy and classmates who might impose a class mass disapproving of my unreasonable intentions to pon it. Anw I got a camp to go for lorh…while all key council leaders or impt ppl of their ep3s can get more ACE for sabbat while I rot at camp =.=
My Jap sensei is an eccentric person with all not fun but lots of “cuteness”(as quoted from xujun), and lotsa hyperactivity. I think it would be better to go bsc and run away from her demented passion for teaching and whimsicalness, but thinking that the decision that I PON had been made, I just have to resort to acknowledge it. Oh well, even xujun also changed class to the lib class, where he lamented of outdated working tools at the library. Someone can enjoy air-con like he do, and yet complain of the library’s old system -.- Ah well, someone who just likes to bask in the comfort of new technology in school, but yet is faced with old tech at another place.
Xujun: HELP!!! The library is so RETRO!!! The librarian is still using a typewritr!!!
Darius: Woah lib class de come and sms me during chem. lesson that he’s in a land of comfort. Go away la…
Xujun: At least im transferred to a class with a good sensei, hope u PHAIL with Suzuki
Darius: Lol? At least u can be an outcast there once again? Ur listening very zai ar? Hope u phail more with seetow!In addition to xujun’s persistent niaoing and failed attempts at proving his tcher is better(in terms of teaching methods), he did not realise that I koped his picture sakubun and quiz, which is a pure failure of a score of 3.5/10, as for the quiz I shan’t divulge since I assisted him like 60%. Here’s an organization of his scoring for picture compo, which is supposedly an easy section to him last year. He used to boast abt getting 8/10 while I gt 4.5, and now the tables are turned around, somehow after his “enriching” experience from the drummings of anti-Japanese feelings into him.内容 content: 1/1.5
構成 organisation: 1/ 1.5
文型、語彙、表現: grammar, vocab, expression: 0/4(!!!!)
チャレンジChallenge: 1/2
原稿用紙の使い方 Writing conventions: 0.5/1
合計 Total: 3.5/10(wundered if Suzuki ever mocked over her marking table)Nevertheless, I ignored toking to him, since I also helped him with abt 40% of the sakubun. Ohyea and xujun tried to scam me saying that someone admitted that he helped in failing my SGT promotion test, which I knew to be a fraud. I shall continue about Suzuki sensei another time since Xujun wasted a lot of my allotted time to blog todae.
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11:23 PM