2 more weeks to go before the harrowing sec4 year commences. Gahh I wan play some more leh. Before I confirm GG when it comes to school. However, I'm sure to hear another of the physics teacher calling joshua to get out of the classroom like what happened during pre-exam revisions, as he said he lost his SPA paper .-.
My recent jap entry was probably my first. Although you may find some names which are very familiar to u all.
Just this hols I watched two medical serials of different languages. One in the New Heart, the Korean one. The other one is the Team Medical Dragon. The latter was in 2006 and has a second season broadcast in 2007. Both are about cardio-related surgery and I'm sure the budding coroner who had a high D for bio would surely want to watch the jap one but will be frantically looking for subtitles =D
The Jap serial focused more on professorship competition and medical surgeries, whereas the Korean one makes a stunning difference between love and fighting for high-ranking posts in the hospital. People can also compare the Korean one to Grey's Anatomy while the Jap one to the House, another kind of American medical serial. The Koreans are always reputable for producing serials always aimed at showing the love of two interns. The Jap one has only one intern.
I also watched another Jap show, a detective one. However, this one has a cast of a female detective who sought the help of a physics professor, who often helped her solve mysteries that may sometimes involve physics facts. I do think the detective relies heavily on the professor himself.
Well, gd luk to cao xujun who claims he's freezing his nose off in beijing. I shall pay tribute to Cao when he comes back =D His wife is also going off somewhere, which I cannot be bothered because she tipped me off with her fluent cantonese when I spluttered something about him.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Posted by
9:33 PM
Friday, December 12, 2008
Too bored from computer usage restriction and only allowed to use when I'm doing sch homework. Now typing some dumb essay about 1200 words. I mean like why must we have an essay to write which is like 1200 to 1500 words long?? It's a much bigger gap or difference of words from the lower sec, which is 500 to 700 words, the number of words which we use to write.
Here's my first jap entry, I wonder if Cao can ever read it xD
Posted by
6:29 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
1 month to sch.
Shall talk abt wat i hav done tis hols. Firstly, went to joshua's hse to play xBox and getting owned by his new counterpart in Halo. Then we played Digimon and Snorlax kept Owning. We quitted and xzy and he went into his room to do some trading.
Went on hols from 18 to 26 Nov. Haiz went to see my bro but it seems tat Hong Kong's expensive flats nvr get any bigger than wat a small office can be, e.g. my brother's hse tat he shares wif 2 other ppl who's also gone to hk to study medicine and work in the nearby hospital there. Bought new shoes in hong kong! My 2nd bro got a bag from those Thanksgiving sales. My eldest bro brought us to Central in china. It's realli lyk the CBD in s'pore. Well, i think my bro bought a lot of stuff for himself. Mebbe he's getting poseur, but not lyk kenneth and xzy.
psp games are getting much more difficult to find, and coz i'm nt a tech-savvy guy i couldnt noe how to convert rar files to iso files.
Now at the library with some poseur guy beside me, using a much more hip laptop. I'm so banned from watching anime that im refreshing myself here after having a project meeting wif my poseur leader and junyi.
I'm gonna go to the Anime Fest at S.A.M tis December. It's gotta be interesting since i missed it last yr coz i was on hols. The poseur is watching some XM8 Assault Rifle video on YouTube. Lol wad a military fanboy, quoted from some1 who's in taiwan now.
Enjoy the remaining months of the hols!
Posted by
5:06 PM