Daoed my blog o.o
Last week was boring Festival of Arts and EOYA. Monday went to Singapore Arts Museum to slack. Tuesday stayed in sch to listen to yangwz tok abt drama and watch a movie called the Pianist. Wed we went fencing, dun wanna blog abt it coz so sian. Xzy tio pwned by kiat leh...so pro. He first strike then kiatlong tio hurt in the chest. Thursday is consortium assembly, then wait for 1 hour to go to Pasir Ris park, collect rubbish for 20 mins then head to National Library near Raffles City. Lol Mark Lee found a soiled pillow near hidden beneath a scarp at the beach. Friday, went to Civic district. Visited the Supreme court, old supreme court, parliament visitor centre and St. ??? Cathedral. Kenneth was walking out of Court 4A smiling, but nvr noe when wld be the next time he's walking out of it gloomily. It was 2nd class drill, somehow i tink screwup commands. Went home early for the first time at 4.30 pm! Lol sec3 squad got privilege to go home except for the highly posted ncos.
On sunday, i went to Shermaine's bdae party. Drove to xzy's classy and majestic condo tower 1 to pick him up. He was wearing the same poseur pants and obs shirt. He bought sweet *.* chocs for her o__O I only bought a crap pencil holder and gave her an ocarina from taiwan. Reached at her condo at 5 pm, so waited for chunqi and soowee to come. Didnt expect them to come so late at 7 pm o.o sherm introduced us to duxuan and yungshu. Found tt my jap classmate was there. Xzy and I felt so depressed and unfriendly so we loitered around the squash courts or the Cheers minimart. Only at 6pm xzy went to bbq pit to kope stuff. xzy was too shy to give his chocs coz he was ... ;) 8 casualties were thrown into the pool, including sherm who gt thrown two times and her fren who was holding on to her phone tio dunked too. At 8.30 pm, xzy's parents drove in their posh godly car and came to pick him up, so he left first. So i felt a moment of despair and solitude so went bak and found soowee and chunqi playing cards wif duxuan and Ee Lyn. Chunqi said something to yingshu and made her smack him. Dn i said the same thing to dx and she smacked me o__O Went home half an hour later and watch anime till quite late.
Ytd is nt fun, had training but nt strict leh, coz latecomers are treated as being punctual. Didnt hear yingjie shout mebbe coz of tt cadet who attituded nicktang. Saw alot of sec1s who came in full U... This is a common trend tt ppl see each yr i wunder -.- We first had survival cooking so guochen sir inspected some water but failed to see any. I paired wif yanseng but failed to create a fire coz we're directly in the path of the wind. Soowee and survival Fyi master liew tried to lght a fire wif our "poor structure", as quoted by soowee.
After that we had RT, played soccer wif my team of runze, eugene and two other sec4s. Thuanseng, shaun, soowee, junrong the godly player and kaichin. Soowee being the goalkeeper kept throwing the ball to junrong or shaun who's on the left side, so i kept watch dere but whenever any ball came i couldnt defend -.- I only kicked the ball away from junrong twice. Shaun was too imba, I only managed to trip his legs while trying to kick the ball from his path. At least I knew how to play after all -.- still amateurish. Xzy playing badminton wif KL. We eventually went bak to SALT centre and xzy went out to watch "his" cadets march, and to snigger at kenneth. Dn left home at noon.
Got my new psp ytd! Abit noob coz this is the only game console i bought in 5 years since p5... Well got 4 new games! Playing final fantasy tactics, and also asking from joshua some recommendation for other games to download online.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Posted by
8:55 PM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Went to cao's blog and found his plant dead =)
Grew two plants in the last 3 days! Lets see how it will grow.
Posted by
7:11 AM
Friday, October 17, 2008
Tribute to Prof Snorlax
As everyone knows, Professors are supposed to be very smart and thinking about important matters. However, you see Professors who have parents tt let them grow fat and not exercise, play everyday up to 20+ hours of games or mugmugmug like crazi tt he remembers wat he studied in just exactly a short time, setting down standards that his siblings should also do lyk him. Then he'll commence showing his position as a elder brother in his family, playing 20+ ours of games or mass spam download anime, demoralizing his brother and even showing no concern but bully his brother who's still taking PSLE. His mum allows him to do wat he wants, e.g. playing and watching anime and he plays behind his mother's back while she teaches his younger brother.
Such professors do not have elder brothers who are overseas and require immediate financial overseas support from their parents, hence they are able to purchase new and hip stuff lyk PSP, PS3, XBOX 360, etc... Such is the case of Joshua. He can play for long hours, mebbe even not resting at all, which explains the lack of exercise, obesity and relaxation of the brain to absorb information in a short time.
So ppl who are elder brothers or first children are able to buy all they want and enjoy absolute freedom to boss around and think evrything shld be accorded to them. Prof Snorlax has such amassed knowledge due to these above factors and experiences no restriction.
One "happy" fact is tt Prof Snorlax is VERI RICH, as his parents can afford high electricity bills. One sad fact is tt Prof Snorlax watches anime but doesnt learn the language, so when one day comes when Spanish subtitles are only available so he's gonna cry and his brother will SMILE.
So when Professor was a cute little Munchlax, he complained about poor english but when he rose to become a important and respectable professor in his field, he still has a good mastery of the language but he is reluctant to learn a new language, and it's sadly, a bane to him.
He's also a good mugger of biology, he said, "I only nid to study 4 topics of bio in 4 hours, and rmb the remaining 5 topics of bio and yet get a HIGH Distinction for Sophisticated, distinguishing myself from my peers. I'm hence happy too coz I'm gonna buy a PSP too."
Posted by
8:07 AM
Thursday, October 16, 2008
1st and 2nd day of FOSH 2008
How I wished I had posted this morning in the cse hub but nvm...
Ytd was first day of FOSH, so Prof Snorlax told mii he had to go home and watch anime and bully his "chibi" brother sleep and snore, so he sneakily zao at 7.40 am. After that attended crap talk abt body injuries, specially for the sgt who's always training himself regularly. Chen Gou was giving some stupid tok on guidelines about CCA leaders, !@#$. Sian im nt a leader why shld i be attending this. Just let us sit and play laptop lar, but nvm some points in the talk made me interested abt those around me so i listened for some time. Then Chengou called nicktang up from slumber, and began commanding him and threatening to "remove his rank". After the whole "body injuries" talk ended at 9.20 am xzy and i chiong to library, but cant go in. We went to Mrs Khoo's room to slack until 11.30 am when she wans to lock up and leave. We went library and saw some ppl slacking in there, sec 1,2 and 3s...So the sgt went in to read clone wars. Went to kkh and met Mr. Alvin tan and he asked me some questions, so walked around passing on the msg tt Prof Snorlax left just after 40 mins he came to sch.
Attendance taking, evryone squeezed in the hall and supposedly some ppl ponned and went home too, so joshua shld be comforted. Sec3 cse leave first, but tmr's no diff at all for others, nt for my project grp=)
Today I met Junyi at the staff room, dn started calling him the way yuxuan did: jun1yi3. Walked to the concourse and he splashed himself in the water along the concourse when he attempted to jump across it. Luckily i didnt go over too if nt we both splash then i'm more screwed... coz i wld totally splash in the water. Junyi got his pants half wet so he went bak to boarding sch to change. Went to terraces and saw the sir in his zai hci uniform(PE attire), so where did the standardisation he agreed go to, when he told all of us to be in sch uniform in a commanding tone. Haiz mebbe he wans to impress his gf at cristofori latr, mus understand, he wans to be lyk zw.
So today I went to cse hub after flag raising to spam watch anime. Went down there and saw xzy preparing to watch full metal panic. Joshua is the most imba guy creditable for encouraging xzy to take an interest in anime.
So xzy and joshua began watching hentai, then there's something called "gal hunt" in the anime which i'm nt sure of, coz this couple hav an interest in such silly childish stuff whereas I don't. Then joshua saw some super hentai stuff tt he ran off his couch. Erps dn the couple went to watch another anime of hentai. I read tsubasa manga from 7.40 to 8.30. Joshua taught mii how to download community codec so tks to Professor Snorlax for his dear advice. Hence i was able to watch only 4 episodes within 2 hours coz i wan go blogs and spam msn, but it seems msn messages cant be sent so wateva i sent javan, who was doing np stuff, didnt get thru. So saw joshua doing a veri nice pose as he crouched over the sofa like a big fat Snorlax falling off, and javan playing dota for the last hour b4 attendance taking in the humid kkh. Apparently also there's one of chongwe's frens who was sleeping on the sofa and snoring loudly.... hampering my efforts to listen to the anime.
11.27 am went off to Khoo's room. Saw xzy sir and junyi doing some maths research stuff, and her two children playing. xzy was busily writing some stuff abt our recent meetings. So we commenced niaoing each other and it continued into the afternoon. We took a ride in Mrs Khoo's car to the sci centre, so the biggest, most muscular and strongest of we 3, sgt xzy sat in front. So junyi, I and her two children had to squeeze in the bak seat while sgt xia sat infront enjoying his free space. We found a new dinosaur exhibit in front of MacDonalds tt replaced the big machine like stuff. Went up to 4th floor to the office and commenced our project.
It was time for lunch. Mrs Khoo earlier on asked us wat we want to eat coz she treat us=) We said anything so she told her two children to help us buy while we work. It was time for lunch so we sat wif mrs Khoo and her children to eat McD. burger. So the sir commenced niaoing again. We were both niaoing each other abt prowesses in language mastering. Then junyi asked him abt his hometown. So scammer xia began to sae, "My father came from (somewhere near India)." Wat a scammer. Then he said the holy word, I'm god XZY gay. Wlao is tt such a thing u mus say in front of 10- and 12-year-olds? Junyi also revealed another astonishing fact, tt joshua snored and toked to himself alot of times when he's awake and even when he's asleep during Ipoh trip. Mus be missing his anime but for the sake of BIO he mus control, mus learn from Prof Snorlax again!
Then we continued our work until xzy said he must rush off to meet his luv 15 mins b4 class started his piano lesson at 4. So he coloured only 5 orange squares and zao off. The most irritating part is fixing the floor and supports, cause the materials we used can "bounce". Then yupei cao called mii at 4 to ask mii to lend him uniform, so i referred him to kenneth sir or the other 死角, the one dotaing in cse hub whom i just mentioned. Smsed xzy sir to ask him whether he met his gf oreadi or nt reached cristofori or whether he's caught in the rain, then he replied, "Shh!I'm flirting now, dun disturb. I reached le. Thanks for the concern." Aiya...
Finished building at 5.30pm, then thought can zao, dn the man in charge of this still toking crap abt how the model could be used to modify size of twins, brothers, parents and children, etc. and one gd example i would put is snorlax and munchlax joshua and brother. Hmm when we were working i saw some of those office workers there dotaing and watching anime when we finished. Lol, young hearts nvr die. Mebbe tt would occur to dear Prof Snorlax...x.x
6.12 pm le, didnt wan to go for ProNite. lol iNite also tonight. I dun wan go back to sch then go home again. Mrs Khoo lent junyi a ride to hci again for ProEd nite. Our dearflirtitious righteous xzy sir would wan to go out wif his gf after his piano lesson instead of going to ProEd nite nor stay back to help out wif project. He should hav stayed bak to see our zai enlarged Ames Room model.
Posted by
9:33 PM
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Todae meaningless again, force to continue watching tt old china drama of imperial rule. Then it was time for PE. Sure enuff joshua didnt even bring his PE attire for even the last session of the year. Then joshua was being noisy by cheering for his husband and "jeering" him into plaeing the game. So for english we watched the movie called Rwanda Massacre. Dn it was time for IHC but we saw nancy tay talking in the library so we continued watching the show until 12 minutes into maths. Maths was slack, coz it's free period. Lol Mrs Khoo rocks, and we saw the different colours for the tiles of the ames room. 4-colour tiles and 3-colour ones seem to be nice, and multi-colour tiles seems to be likeable for children.
Dn went to turn on my laptop but it seemed tt we cant connect to internet. Screw it, and i'm gonna bring my old laptop again -.- Best thing is tt i received so many songs from joshua and 16 episodes of blassreiter. Lolx.
Tmr we would see joshua sleeping away during FOS. buhbai. Oh ya abt this batty thingy on my blog, it represents Cao hanging from some rock and is within jap territory. I duno how to remove it so i may leave it there for some time. Hehe.
Posted by
8:59 PM
Monday, October 13, 2008
JAP noo...!
These few days quite slack. The day after my last post I went to sch and did chinese paper. After that absolute freedom! I know it's veri late to post it. Anw got free time to watch anime when i can. but it seemed I have to read some shyt chinese bk b4 i can do anything. Haiz cant be lyk joshua lim and xzy who are all 1st child of their family, some more both are quite rich, able to buy Xbox whereas i cant ;`-(
Then watched tons of manga and anime movies in CDs which my brother kept in June, most of which I can pick out some words and store them. Too tired of watching the same series though.
Wont sae wat kind of anime i watched. Xzy probably playing the halo game he borrowed from Professor Snorlax. Snorlax called xzy slowking when we went bak to sch for paper check. Last monday actually dun nid to go sch le, but nidda go finish the maths project coz the contractors who nid the dimensions and angles of slanting of walls and floors. So had to change the back wall side dimensions, so as to adhere to the dimensions they could build. Worked until friday, so we finished, but now making the model for it. During the whole of last week was paper check. aiya expected higher papers to screwup. 3 Ps and 1 M. fun meh?
But we must congratulate Professor snorlax for his true and undying love for Biology, by being the first person proclaimed to get High D in smtp2! Mebbe he shall become the new bio rep. Cheers to professor snorlax!
Went to get bak my jap paper todae, wth. I got 76.2!! SCREWUP oral and listening tks to the thunder i got 8/15=(. compo i got 8.2/15. Wush got 11.7/15 for compo. More zibei, although i got higher marks than him in the grammar and compre section. Cao got 80. But his overall B3 o.o Ppl will only get a overall score that is abit higher than their exam score, but he's an exception, making cao veri special. My overall 79.1. Didnt's own clement's sec3 score of 87.4... Added jap overall to my msg so predicted msg now 1.55=(
Watched something called the Lost Room from Wush's laptop, quite interesting. It's abt a room that brings somebody to any place that he commands.
Posted by
11:55 PM
Thursday, October 2, 2008
One more DAE
just one more, one more dae...
TO FREEDOM! haha. can at least slack now lol..tmr only chinese paper 2.
Bio paper todae screwd up. Didnt finish the 8(b) coz got a damned graph with lots of points to plot, and i took 20+ mins for tt. Xzy said he finished, and joshua too. Mingxuan said he didnt. But alot of ppl said they managed to finish! Grrr...>< Higher paper quite ok, just tt dno how to do fluid mosaic model of cell membrane.
Wish all the sec4s gd luck for O lvl chinese tmr, and to xzy to get high A1 of 85% for compre tmr and also to niao mii after getting geog and bio and chinese and english paper next week. Bet he'll own in O lvl chinese as he's comsistently asking if they would come out with chinese words test tmr.
Gotta go mug new jap list for JLPT! At least can hav fun while joshua laughs at his brother getting whacked. This kind of elder brother...aiyo >< Professor Snorlax haha.
Posted by
9:01 PM