Todae's ndp training #1. So fun.
12.50 fall in. A lot of slack time b4 tt. Went to see mrs khoo after 11.20 am class end. 12 pm went to eat. So then talk tok then fall in. Nicktang still inside toilet changing. Tancw came and began to shout,"LATE! LATE!". After tt he commanded all sec2s who are late to fall in behind us. Then the sec3s, he said,"all those except PC(parade personnel)" fall out and go behind.
Shuffling of boots, then a loud uproar of Knock it down. erps. All knocked it down for 15 or so mins. Then a long lecture on integrity and punctuality. Comes the shouting of,"U all dun even noe these simple things, all cpls-, sgts-, ssgs-to-be, should i fail u all??"
Here comes the longlost CIs. Realli wan to black out le from staying in the same position for so long. Take rifle then run out. Pumped some more. Comes onggs. Ok more screwup. Blabbering for some more time b4 he starts to say,"NO GOOD! NO GOOD!"; "SLOPPY! SLOPPY!". MAke us run around the parade square with rifles above our heads. Running 2 consecutive rounds b4 we stopped and he gave us some impt methods of holding rifle. Then when we were running again, he commanded the sec2s to be more firm in drill.
Soon it was end of day. Didnt want to blog much. Boredz. Didnt even wan to go for next training the following monday. Got chem test leh.
Friday, July 25, 2008
NDP training #1
Posted by
9:04 PM
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Racial Harmony Day 2008
Ytd was RHD. Not as spectacular as last yr's one though.
Started off with crap sabbat. Was with zhenquan, kiatlong, jiaxun and hongkee, painting designs on cloth. Created my own drawing on batik cloth but screwed up while I was framing the edges of the picture with melted wax. Smeared a lot and then diff to remove. In the end it was still quite ok. Except tt mine looked worse than kiat's. I used some paints and then kiat suggested some new colours. Using only light and dark yellow or blue and red, we can only make purple, green, orange, gold and black.Found it wasnt fun when i painted some spaces wrongly by over painting and repainted them. Kiat finished first, and his lines were very nice. Mine the lines ok but edges smudged with dried wax.
Following this xzy came and made random speech abt somebody who ponned sch and said he was sick. Xzy, zhen quan and kiat went JC canteen to eat. I turned back to sch side. Went to the food bazaar in the KKH. The flea market was outside KKH, so small. So only went to food bazaar. Found tingyit and nicktang outside the KKH walking towards it. Then followed them some time later and only bought an ice cream and some other food from other stalls. Saw tancw selling some flavoured bottle drink hahas. The sec 1s so supportive sia... bought so may bottles from him. Met the ProEd ppl at the ProEd stalls. Then the stall beside sat Cao and his friends. Minutes before saw them distributing food in saled packets. Haha they sat down and toed with xujun, in the end this kawaii boy reached out for the knife and "nononono" came from his fren. Haiz Haiz went there only for a short time and borrowed pen from some sec1 there to finish up my jap compo=.= then left at 1 pm.
Damn, still have to go for Jap when I oreadi wore my home clothes to school...Sian so wore my uniform and the next day can wear it again. Then got some pesky sec2 threw some sweet into the class...bah made his face got a smear.
Many more crap work to finish up. Busy again todae.
Posted by
8:56 PM
Friday, July 18, 2008
Service Day 2008
Todae morning slack while iSpark and ortus ppl went for CA. Wanted to finish my jap compo yet i slept throughout the 40 mins. Normal lessons continued, just tt after recess almost all periods are in Library, except IHE.
Lessons end then after lunch go for service day. 2.45 pm gather but only start at 4.00 pm. My group had chongwe but heard he pon np. so jiaxun switched to my group and became leader. No sec2s in my grp. Go walk for long distance out of school with cheng' an and zm's grp. cheng an walked with us to the row of houses then the sec1s didnt want to face the residents. so they gave a short "demonstration". One sec1 so scared of cheng an then forced to distribute and explain crime crap to one resident. Nobody in the house. Then went to next house, the maid say she call the owner but it seemed tt we tio dao. So dao tt house and continue onwards. The two sec1s kept gaying each i was left behind the walking group to "calm" them.
Only succeeded in talking to 6 ppl, and it's near to 5, so just try to stash all the other handbooks and pamphlets into the mailboxes of the other houses down the road. The 2 sec1s continued to gay, but wat can i do. I was left in charge of them to distribute the pamphlets. Passing message in service day turned to distributing. 10 mins before 5.30pm and we all rushed back. On our way back we told one sec1 to run, in the end some pair of eyes were glaring at us from the JC side...
5.46 pm. Record latest to come back but then found out tt other grps completed more or less than 6. Most imba is 30! Slack while listening to sutjipto editing docs then went home.
Posted by
10:42 PM
Todae's nearly last day of IS. Only bio module left. So we went for this bio module, watching some video titled Animal Games. wow showing animals with strong leg muscles and the ability to thrust themselves forward. Results: Herptiles(??) won 12 pts, birds only 3. 59 minutes of humorous video. After that Leefy explained something abt body muscle. He picked joshua,just in front of him, and tried to pick some muscle but found only fat. When muscle was explained in the case of joshua, we kept laughing. No choice, he used toon min. After that, we slacked in the library for 1.5 hours. XZY tried waiting for xunda but xunda and john came only at 11.05 a.m. Found the physics behind the hammer-throwing. Then watched the polar-bear thingy tt leefy recommended us.
Chinese lesson. The last lesson. After that went library to play later went home. First time in sec3 that we are so early dismissed.
Tmr's service day. What crap man. Anyway it's my last service day. Nothing to care about oreadi. Whether got cip or not heck care liao...
Posted by
12:44 AM
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Nearly 12 hours after my last post.
Assembly, we had this EP talk on Pastamania. Cant stop talking abt high cholesterol. Talked about wasting food. Then come the funny music teacher talking abt some person called B.B. King. Laugh laff. What's so funny. He mentioned about 3 boys getting demerit points, then picked some guy for talking again. Joshua kept talking about how his fats distincted him from his brother.
After that is Chem module. Some chemistry facts abt collecting urine. Went to the back of the lab and found some crystals forming from some orangey-red and green substances. Next tried out something to do with the unit ppm. Toyed with a pipette and some glass beakers containing what "stock solution". Inserting various random concentrations then put it into some machine to find its disturbance. Lol joshua rocks. He screwed up the order of concentrations, stil blamed me.
IHE lesson. Boring except halfway she scolded some ppl for plain smiling. How boring again.
Next's Chinese lesson. Now blogging after chinese lesson. We just played the Chinese Idiom game, using autoclick. Score: 25
Haiz wanted to finish jap compo when we hav joshua the education freak to ask for assistance from. May he be watching anime now.
Posted by
2:46 PM
Until now I have something yet to be done.
1) IHC worksheet
2) Jap script
3) Physics 2 questions left
4) E-learning
5) Random stuff
Anw, it seems somebody posted tt he would get jap exemption, just coz i lost by some marks thanks to a good test on the same day. Ytd was the start of the IS, but seems not remarkble on the start. SMTP1 finished their lessons for IS. Now it seems my class only attended Maths and Physics module...Haiz did some dummy chinese compo, nth to write abt it.
Went to J8 to eat at the food court. Went out and saw wee god and his partner seow walking to the food court(presumably). Then went home to refresh 3 hours from evryday slping at 2.30 a.m.
Those who have only one HCI-ian in their groups can finished their work fast man. Now sure death... Calcium oxide's gonna mock at ppl now...
Posted by
2:48 AM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Wat a lonely nite...My brothers went to aussie...back to their uni... now i'm boredx @.@
Physics the previous so cant blog. In the end physics test pwned my last term score. Maths test? Dno if screwed.. My chinese online first time nvr hand in early. English work nowadays have to work with China scholars. Quite fun working but most of time Tianbi do almost evrything. The other 2 dno wat they did.
Wah IHE teacher rox. 4th lesson she let us do work while she turn on music. 5th lesson she was late. Then on 6th lesson she asked yuxuan: Whats yr stupid(hurts for him) name?
Seriously hate to say it but the CAPE occurred last friday. Lol expected GG coz 11 ppl in one group in the end 6 ppl only. 3 sec3 and 3 sec2s. Thuanseng failed the drill coz he dno the sizing so he left after hurricane lamp. Drill ok la. Anw know so many times liao. Hurricane lamp I was given the faulty hurricane lamp. Surely all taking cpl cape gg if faulty lamp coz i have to change the wick and i cant even light my own wick! Think too much kerosene until I lighted the edge of the wick with the 6th match...wah unlucky! Others go use the small lamp i use big one...
When waiting for topography, saw zw, qy, cw, zm, th, phk, shaun shouting in one line. Cw nvr wear uniform still allowed to shout. Godly zw shouting out loud until those walking from boarding sch were talking like mad. Cw shout then evryone in line laughed. Half an hour ltr still waiting. Saw hongliang stand beside zw and shout. Erps... Shouting so fun still depress the sec2s infront...
Posted by
3:39 AM