Juz found out my Maths A2 -.- First time maths didn't get A1!!! wth...cant believe why i got this grade...and here comes zhen wei niaoing me of his score...
Sian after chinese lesson we went to com lab for physics. I told the sec1s and 2s that we sec3s are having a lesson here. They guai guai listened to us and trudged out. Zhen wei soon started a blog spamming campaign(see my tagboard), with zhi ming and kliven following suit. Joshua Lim attemped to take note of my blog URL but failed.
The only kena spammed blog: Jonathan's one.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Posted by
9:44 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sian add chemistry A1 and jap A1(dno if added?) to my msg = msg<3 finally...
Cant really understand why i'm hating science subjects(except chemistry), mebbe smthing wrong-.-
Havent even finish chinese article, and IHE essay. GG-fied.
Posted by
10:01 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Here are shots of an inspiring leader. I apologise for not asking him for his permission of posting his pics.

The only solitary leader who owned the world with just a little teemy effort.

Identification to distinguish himself from other gods of the birds. Official compaign logo patented.

He is often sure to be found swooping down on another god and attacking him.
Guess who?
Posted by
11:23 AM
Friday, February 22, 2008
8th week!
Seriously dont noe how long i havent post le...but i'm not going to bother.
Tests just finished, science results screwed up. IHC at least better then last year history tests. Maths test -3 marks le-.-
Then i heard some sec2 muggers coimplaining they are failing their sciences(just like me). Wth la almost all CSE ppl complaining le. Zhen wei spiked his hair.
At least np traning sucks too. When all were changing there was a rumour going abt tingyit after meichun. (untrue, why wld tingyit do such flirt, only zw wld.)
Wasted away 1 hour of my life changing into my uniform and watching some truly undeserving deserving cadets receiving their NEW chevrons. woah XZY my project grp leader everyday fails to succeeds in niaoing me. Even zw the sgt does so.
After cc training, we attended tancw's lecture on marksmanship. Cw almost slept during tancw's lecture. Tancw: are you feeling sleepy? Cw: I wan to go toilet. Cant prevent such ppl to go toilet and emo around sch stuff.
PT, I dunno how many tmies I was the timer timing today. (mebbe >4 times). PT was fun, we did 30 jumping jacks(oreadi stitch ridden). It was then time to run for the better, as we sec3s lagged behind some sec2s who ran so fast and slowed down, thus blocking me, or intentionally slowed down then chiong(timyap go go go). Near the end of PT I saw kiat long holding in pumping position. Huo gai, he's so stupid as nt to just go and run with us.
Posted by
10:29 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
CNY's was a week ago, and it's quite fun.
Now back to mugging-.-
Test week starts next week, but I already did my Jap CA on monday, so fast I finished the paper in 18 minutes. But Listening I freaked out.
Tuesday I had Bio lesson. Again I heard bio teacher niao-ing us.In the end, we had to hand up the bio practical. I had decided against collecting homework, anyway she's collecting it and it's her lesson that day. I finished one question that I was not confident of answering. One Pwner in dota tried to finish homework and asked me to give him a classmate's one to copy. B4 I could do so the teacher snatched it away=.=
Wednesday, during jap lesson I had an interesting debate. Wondering f this was my first one, some more in jap. In the end it was a draw, the girls on the other side grumbled tt it was not fair, as they lost their second point of debate.
Todae, I got niao-ism(nt by dota pro) but some scholar and the summer sun. During English lesson, the scholar muttered something under his breath and the teacher called him to voice it out. The summer sun refeused to say anything. When we got back our compo scripts to edit, he said we must look at the marks FIRST. Labelled by the teacher as shortsighted and ignorant, haha.
Posted by
9:48 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Chinese New Year 2008
Japanese greetings for "Happy Chinese New Year!"
Sigh how long I didn't post. Realli damn sian so busy tt i can only blog now.
Watching my bro dota, and thinking of any funny incidents last week during lessons, like the Socratic Debate, where CPL xzy engaged in a debate with zhou kai, and librarian joshua didnt stop them and didnt let han loong speak up.
Just had bio test on tuesday, quite hard but after the test, Mrs Goh said, "These are simple and ordinary questions." We shall get a shock later. Maths lit review is interesting. I found a topic with only 4 research papers and I did a brief review of the topic and evaluated all papers.
Cant really think of much to write here. Just feeling depressed coz of some particular matter. Don't wanna say it.
Anw, happy CNY to all!!!
Posted by
10:31 PM