Had to write shorter posts...not much time to blog now.
On thursday, we had to do a Socratic seminar for English. I formed a group with XZY, han loong, zhou kai, joshua and tian bi. tian bi didnt come bcoz he had to ost some foreign school students, so keith replaced himas the academic.
XZY is political candidate, hanloong the Opposition party member, zhou kai the blogger, and Joshua the ignorant and self-defensive leader. Lol it started off quite well, but the WHOLE seminar steered to a freak debate. Don’t really understand some parts ZY was talking, probably it was his own opinions. Comments about the Socratic Debate: XZY Attacked zhou kai with his own personal opinions. Both ZK and ZY were dominating the convo and leader failed to stop them and direct convo to han loong. Han loong didn’t speak much anw.
Bio test b4 CNY. Realli think bio rocks ar?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Posted by
2:08 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Never post for 5 days.
Busy now, better not get the hype of it if you want to.
Monday still fun. Chinese and 3 sciences.
Tuesday, did some worksheet on map of china. Went for PE before attending maths. Shuai god kicked me and then Kliven did the same. Woah. Kliven realli liked maths, talked a lot among us in the group. Rushed Physics practical 2 after Bio lesson. Forced to collect bio homework again.
Today, I collected Bio from one councillor b4 he went for council investiture in the later part of the day. Other councillors forgot to give me their homework. I hate collecting now(for the 3rd time). In the end, i collected 16 practicals. 7 uncollected. I wanna be chem rep for he hasnt collected any homework.
In English class, dummy joshua joined our group. This group is Socratic seminar group
In IHE class, I was called to present some feature of civilisation. Mathews told me to ask questions. Javan owned me by answering all of them.....(niao). Again his stupid action. Wth late Mathews APPOINTED me to be the rep for my group. More homework for me=.=
Research module. Really bored seeing khoo showing all her slides again. Most interesting part is: Where's handsome zhen wei? Zai myth came true.
Posted by
9:29 PM
Friday, January 18, 2008
CAPE---not a delightful one.
CAPE todae...almost screwed up two things.
1) Commands
2) Lamplighting
Sian started off with baton drill, quite ok. After tt it was footdrill. GG time, when i cant hear some squadmates' commands. I also cannot hear one or two of them either. 3 times command landed on wrong leg...Then when i cant hear commands did a wrong execution. Lamplighting too much wind.. 1745 did lamp lighting la.. second time lighting lamp. Cant realli see the wick coz the glass chimney's too sooty. Tried some times then i succeeded. =.=
Ended at 1835. My leg didn't hurt as much as other trainings=D. Sec2s complaining coz they didn't finish Drill. Sad T.T
I hope I don't fail this CAPE la...if not I'ld get sarcasm from others.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008
CAPE eve
16th Jan 2008
It was not veri interesting now to admit I didnt bring any research paper for todae's research module. It's bcoz i cant find things for maths research. I just had to pick xunda's paper and pretend to be evaluating it. Humorously kenneth got a paper dated 1933...
Javan tried to 'salute' me by appearing to scratch his head then salute. I told Ernest, who's sitting beside me to smack his head.
Earlier on nick tang niao-ed me. Not a very good way to start niao-ing me the same way javan did.
17th Jan 2008
Thursday truly long day...First lesson IHC, Ms Tay wanted to go thru the worksheet she chucked to us. I did a mistake on the Usefulness question and tried to change when she snatched my paper. U wld noe wat she wld say. It was Yu Xuan's paper next. Wow he did all the necessary things to write an essay. Mugger o.0 Joshua was asked his name, he replied, "jo-sure". She then shouted, "you're NT SURE of yr name?!!?" As quoted from chinying's blog,
"She went over to Joshua and asked for his name, except that Joshua was mumbling and she misheard it."NOT SURE???!!!!" she shrilled. "How can you be not sure of your own name?""I didn't say not sure. I said Joshua."Joshua is sadded. He is like being shunned by the class already."
Later we had maths, had a nice talk with shuin jian using 3 jap sentences. We didnt manage to finish the dessert of the day for the lesson. During lunch break, I saw shuai ge playing basketball. Drenched like shit, he evn worried about not getting dry b4 the next lesson.
One more day to CAPE. Good luck to all taking CPL(with me) and SGT.
Posted by
9:26 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
CAPE preparation
3.20 pm I ended school. And I rushed to get the IPST test call letter then rush to SALT centre.
When I reached there, saw ZW sir dao-ing chongwe. He used his pro soccer kick on a guinea pig(as what he thought) cw. Followed by the big 4 saluting each other.
Javan arrived late and went to change, as he came out, 3 out of big 4 saluted him. ZAI.
Then I did my first hurricane lamp lighting. Sian nco tried to light a faulty hurricane lamp. We took turns to try lighting it. Yanseng sad, got a small hurricane lamp suited for him. Later I saw Jon Foo come down the stairs of the SALT centre, walk in and block nick tang. Nick tang smiled faltered.
4.50 pm released, still see the future sirs practising new drills. Lol go poolside buy some drink and saw hongkang playing phone=?
3 more days to CAPE... sigh more tough schoolwork. Still havent searched for any paper to do lit review
Posted by
11:19 PM
Monday, January 14, 2008
3rd research module~...
School todae realli screwed.
WE had a relief teacher(20 yrs old) for Chem todae, who gave us a 50-min lecture lesson on "who are YOU???". Thought we can study our own stuff.
Research module, wth had to find 5 research papers(urgent)!!! And also to complete a 500-word LITERATURE REVIEW. Forced to do maths research coz i'm in SMTP(Maths).
And tolerate some of zhen wei sir's and javan's niao-ing. Javan saluted to me for no particular resason except to say I'm a Sir? Can count the number of times he saluted me todae(and the past few days of school).
Now remembering I have to collect BIO hw tmr!!! Tmr I'm going home at 5.00pm+, coz got CAPE training(rather preparation). Just imagine how many links I have now o.O
Posted by
10:52 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Sunday bore
Quite busi now. When I have nothing to do now except mug hurricane lamp notes=.=
Remembering last week training...received a new badge(to be used for checking, luckily i wasnt chided coz i put it correctly), then kena stomach pain then CI scold me saying wrong word.
This week's lesson, seen every subject teacher. Really hate it when we were told to come up with a persuasive topic on contemporary issues, somebody guy presented a topic: Why we should join np. A lot of interesting activities but some dissuasive opinions.
Training got armsdrill again. Really fun. Revised some cpl drills with arms, and new commands. After training is celebration of 4 ppl's bdae, nick tang, chongwe, soo wee and javan. The thunder god squad I/C held the whole thing for them.
Sian got whole body muscle ache from armsdrill and PT.
Posted by
11:35 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Lessons started...messy days when i hate it.
Monday went gor science lessons, first chemistry, when teacher asked for rep, no reply. Zhiming was selected. Then for bio, got slected to be rep. For Physics, somebody volunteered to be rep. They later said: You all are SO quiet?!?
Jap class so fast got compo to do...then sensei told us when is CA1.
Tuesday, reading period, we didnt get our books, so slacked in class in the early morning.
Maths same teacher=)
IHE taught by some Eurasian teacher. A lot of ppl I know in IHE: Javan, Tingyit(woah), jap classmate, some ex-classmates, other np mates.
Wow, more days ahead in this week.
Posted by
10:03 PM
Saturday, January 5, 2008
End of orientation
Last day of orientation le. New physics homework...
Training---Two people creating trouble..
sian lor..
Posted by
12:17 AM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
First day
Yay first day at school. nothing interesting.
ProEd assembly, sian time...recess. Then run around come back at 1000 at LT4. I had this HDP task, run to KKH and then to basketball court...boredz.*
Ended school.
1600 reach moelc. bought books at $53.10(dno why). New class, better anw coz my class joined another one. Less people seemed to be mugging. Deciding on quitting. Crap, beginning to hate the rest of this year. New systems, new ways of punishment, new timetables, more subjects.
Posted by
9:10 PM